'Supergirl' season 3 episode 4 spoilers: Kara investigates mysterious cult

Promotional photo for The CW's "Supergirl" season 3.Facebook/TheCWSupergirl

In the next episode of "Supergirl," Kara Danvers a.k.a. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) investigates a mysterious new group headed by Thomas Coville (Chad Lowe).

The trailer for the upcoming installment titled "The Faithful" was just released recently and showed Coville giving his followers an inspirational talk in a huge abandoned room. "When you look into the eyes of God, you do not forget," he tells his people in a calm manner. Danvers, James Olsen a.k.a. Guardian (Mechad Brooks), and Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan) go and investigate the strange group and attend one of Coville's seminars. "It's not a religion, it's a cult," Danvers tells her friends. It seems that the mysterious group worships Supergirl because someone from the sect kneels down in front of the titular hero when he sees her.

Apparently, Supergirl saves some people from a fire who may be the followers of Coville. She looks at the person who kneels before her and is very surprised. Later, there is more danger ahead as Schott warns his team to "Get out of there, right now!" It remains to be seen why the followers worship Supergirl like a god and if Coville is behind the fires. Moreover, what is Coville's true agenda with the superhero?

In the last episode, Supergirl followed J'onn J'onzz a.k.a. Martian Manhunter (David Harewood) to Mars to help retrieve an ancient staff that could be used in the rebellion against the White Martians. They worked together with the White Martian rebels and J'onzz's father M'yrnn (Carl Lumbly) to secure the powerful stick.

However, it was not without any resistance as they had to fight with the Martian tyrants in a grueling battle. Nevertheless, Supergirl and the rebels defeated them and took control of the staff.

"Supergirl" season 3 episode 4 will air on Monday, Oct. 30 at 8 p.m. EDT on The CW.