'Supernatural' season 11 spoilers, updates: first 8 episodes prepared, one character not returning soon


"Supernatural" season 10 ended with a bang when the Winchester brothers decided to cheat fate and destroy the Mark of Cain, inevitably unleashing the Darkness into the world. Following this up with season 11 should be a hard task but according to co-executive producer Jim Michaels, they already have eight episodes mapped out. 

"I have the stories for the first 8 episodes of season 11 already -- Love our writing staff at #Supernatural for being SO professional! THX!" Michaels announced via Twitter.

The average season boasts up to 23 episodes so they are a third of the way done in terms of mapping out the overall plot and where they want to take the characters, and there are a lot of things the writers will need to address.

First, they need to explain what the Darkness really is and how it can be stopped. The season 10 finale only explained that the Mark of Cain was a sort of seal that kept the Darkness from roaming the world.

There is also the issue with Rowena setting Castiel against Crowley. Rowena may also have her own dark intentions involving the Darkness which is perhaps why she decided to help the Winchester's break the seal instead of moving ahead with Death's offer. 

However, of all the new twists and turns, it can be stated that at least one character is guaranteed to not appear in season 11. According to a report from Enstarz, Michaels confirmed that Adam (Jake Abel) will not be coming back anytime soon, which is a little disappointing to some fans given how Adam might be a powerful anti-hero in the struggle against the Darkness. 

John Winchester, on the other hand, may return this time around. Father of the Winchester boys, he was last seen in season 2. The character sacrificed himself but this also sealed the Gates of Hell. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays John Winchester, recently told Collider that he may come back. 

"The show has been on the air for 10 years now, and I haven't done it for 10 years," Morgan told Collider. "They want me back. I do this so that I can make people happy somehow. We do it for our fans, and that's got such a great fan base that, of course, I want to go back. And I would love to have some resolution for that character and his sons."