'Supernatural' season 11 spoilers: Sam and Dean hit the road in episode 4

The CW

"Supernatural" season 11 episode 4, titled "Baby," will focus primarily on the Impala as the Winchester brothers put aside their hunt for the Darkness as they begin tracking down a a specific type of beast that "feeds on beasts," as per its official synopsis.

The promotional trailer for the episode showcases Dean (Jensen Ackles) being very enthusiastic about the hunt. He even begins to speculate what kind of monster they'll find, suggesting it might be a werewolf or weird hybrids like a "ghoulpire." Sam (Jared Padalecki), however, doesn't seem to share his brother's enthusiasm.

More significant however is how the trailer is delivered: the majority of the scenes in the trailer all take place in Dean's 1967 Chevrolet Impala. This further emphasizes the road-trip nature of the episode, a breath of fresh air for fans who have been soaked in too deeply by the current arc to hunt down the Darkness, an entity that has now taken on the form of a young girl named Amara (Emily Swallow).

The vehicle won't just be the main setting and driving force of the episode but it is also being presented as a third character of sorts. Padalecki emphasized this point in an interview with Entertainment Weekly

"It's done in a very clever 'Supernatural' way, mind you, but episode four is a very cool episode," explained Padalecki. "It's all about the Impala. We've had this third lead character for 10 seasons strong and, we're not revealing a personality, but we see just how much a part of the Winchesters' lives it is."

There will be scenes with the brothers talking while resting on the vehicle's hood, while sitting inside it, and there will even be a car wash scene which may be played for jokes but it is still a part of the theme to further develop the role the Impala has had on their lives and on the show as a whole.

"Supernatural" season 11 episode 4 airs this Oct. 28.