Sam and Dean will be hunting a rabbit in the next episode of "Supernatural" season 11. But this is no ordinary rabbit and it certainly looks nowhere near that adorable long-eared, furry animal. It is a "killer bunny," as people that saw the horrors it did call it.
In the promo for the episode titled "Plush," the murderer is shown and it is hard to determine whether it is a hare-human hybrid or someone who likes to wear a big scary bunny mask when he does his gruesome killings. Either way, it looks like he won't get away from the Winchesters.
But in this "Supernatural" season 11 episode, the murderer won't give up without a fight. It seems that even from behind bars, this killer bunny will still work on doing some damage. In the promo, Dean is even taunting him saying, "What's up, doc?"
"Plush" will also mark the return of Sheriff Donna, who was last seen in action last season on a sheriff's retreat in Hibbing. However, upon her arrival, she bears bad news involving gruesome murders that only the supernatural can explain.
When Sam and Dean tell Donna that ghosts are involved, the sheriff becomes perplexed. "Ghosts can possess people?" she then asks before Dean blasts the killer bunny with a gun. From the looks of it, this bunny is seized by ghosts during its killing splurge.
Meanwhile, Sam still has visions. This time, he sees someone ensnared in the same box Lucifer, Michael and he was once trapped in. It looks like these troubling visions will take their toll on the hunter in this "Supernatural" season 11.
As the synopsis teases, he will be compelled to ask God for help. His brother, as fans may have already imagined, is, by no means, up for that idea.
"Supernatural" season 11 episode 7 "Plush" airs Nov. 18 at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.