'Supernatural' season 11 spoilers: A 'united front' to beat new villain

The CW

Actor Misha Collins became extra generous by releasing more teasers about the 11th season of "Supernatural" after his appearance during the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con that concluded early last month.

Collins, the actor who portrays the role of Castiel in the long-running fantasy action-adventure series, said his piece regarding the importance of Charlie's (Felicia Day) death despite the flak that the show has received because of its alleged tendency to kill off female characters and lack of representation. 

"I think that if we have characters that we love and we're also afraid that they really may die, it raises the stakes on the show a tremendous amount," the actor explained. "So we can't have sacred cows. We can't say we're not going to kill female characters or gay characters because that's not PC. The truth is, if we don't have a palpable fear that any character on the show could die at any point, than I'm not emotionally invested in it." 

However, the actor was proud to say that Charlie gave a different representation of LGBTs on TV, since her storyline delved on her personality as a whole instead of focusing on her being gay just like what other shows are doing. For him, Charlie's character shows a good display of representation in the series. 

Collins also said that Castiel and Dean (Jensen Ackles) will have to set their past animosities aside to work together to beat their common enemy called The Darkness, since they both believe that the upcoming season 11 "baddie" came out as a result of their own mess. 

But all in all, Collins believes that "Supernatural" season 11 is going to be a good season. 

"We are changing what is happening on the show," the actor said. "This season is going to be about reuniting us against a big bad, which is something we have done before, but it is changing it up. It's giving us a new focus and I think that is going to be great." 

"Supernatural" season 11 is slated to premiere on Wednesday, Oct. 7, on The CW.