'Supernatural' season 11 spoilers: Brothers to unite against a common enemy in new episodes

The "Supernatural" cast and crew were on the recently concluded Comic-Con 2015 held in the San Diego Convention Center. Cast members Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and Mark A. Sheppard, executive producer Jeremy Carver and writer Andrew Drabb attended this past weekend's event as part of the "Supernatural" panel. Rob Benedict and Richard Speight Jr. were also present at the event and acted as moderators for the panel's Q&A segment.

Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester in SupernaturalCW

Some interesting things for season 11 were revealed during the conference. Carver got the ball rolling when he was asked by the moderators to elaborate on the "Darkness" and its implications for the much-awaited season. "This year we are going back a little more.. I think of an epic feel with the big bad and a real sort of a quest for the brothers to unite on," the producer responded. "It's a pre-biblical story that's obviously never been told," he added.

Padalecki and Ackles, who play the main protagonists, were asked to comment on Carver's answers. "I think we'll beat it we're not the Losechesters," Padalecki comically responded. Ackles also pitched in his views on how the brothers will be united against a common enemy and noted that they will be "normal" as they were in season one.

Show writer Drabb, affirmed of Misha Collins' deduction that her character Castiel will once again join the brothers and no longer go solo like he did last season.

When asked if the Castiel-Dean relationship is to continue and grow as the show moves into season 11, Carver responded with "ish" while Drabb gave the definite remark and said, "Yes, of course." The moderators proceeded to ask Collins on why there can't be a "Sastiel" to which the actor wittily responded and cited Jared's height when compared to him as "too jarring."

Charlie's death was also talked about during the Q&A after a fan asked why the character was killed. Both the writer and the executive producer did not have much to say regarding the issue and only said that characters need to die for the sake of the story. Ackles added that Charlie, portrayed by Felicia Day, was only meant for one season but due to how the fans responded to her, she was brought back for additional seasons.

While the panel catered to most questions, there were also those that they preferred not to answer. Carver opted to stay quiet regarding possible cast members returning in season 11. Carver left a teaser and remarked, "But they are coming back in surprising ways." The executive producer refrained from giving out names. He also chose to stay quiet regarding Chuck and Gabriel when the moderators inquired of their return next season.

Supernatural Season 11 is set to air on Oct. 7 for U.S. viewers. Below is the Q&A segment of Supernatural's panel during Comic Con 2015.