'Supernatural' season 11: Dean to team up with Castiel and Crowley?

The Winchester brothers in 'Supernatural' season 11.cwtv.com/shows/supernatural

Fans are all psyched up for the continuation of the Winchester brothers' Lucifer-related predicament in "Supernatural" season 11. Things are only getting worse for Sam and Dean with the evilest of evil finally showing up.

With the rise of Lucifer and Amara finally revealed to be God's sister, fans can't help but think if the Big Man upstairs will ever turn up in the series to help douse the crisis or maybe add fuel to the fire.

While executive producer Jeremy Carver did not specify if God will really be appearing in "Supernatural" season 11, he did emphasize that they have him in mind. "The idea of God and, 'Where is God? Will God show himself?' will be heavily debated," he told TV Line.

At the moment, God's grand entrance seems to be up in the air. What fans can expect in the latter half of the hit CW series is that Lucifer will be seriously wreaking havoc. He kicks off his wickedness by tricking Sam into what could very well be a one-sided deal.

When the midseason finale of "Supernatural" season 11, Lucifer found a way to trick the younger Winchester into the same cage he was in and offers him a way to get out of there. While this could easily be one of the baddie's ruses, Sam might actually consider the offer.

Knowing his brother is in grave danger, Dean will attempt to save him. Together with Castiel, they will try to get Sam out of the cage. But they will have to act fast since Sam is inches closer to biting into Lucifer's scam.

Perhaps, Crowley could help. According to "Supernatural" season 11 spoilers, the King of Hell will help out the duo in getting Sam back and out of harm's way. While the trio would make a powerful team, their bigger challenge is actually acting as one.

Whether or not they succeed, fans will know when "Supernatural" season 11 returns on Jan. 20 with "The Devil in the Details."