'Supernatural' season 12 release date, spoilers: Dean longs for closure with Mary; Jared Padalecki talks season 11 cliffhanger

Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as Sam and Dean in "Supernatural"The CW

After seemingly being shot in the "Supernatural" season 11, Sam's (Jared Padalecki) fate is unknown. Padalecki, however, does not want fans wondering as they wait for "Supernatural" season 12.

[Spoiler Alert! Details about "Supernatural" season 12 follow. Proceed only if you want to know]

In an interview with TV Line, the actor revealed that Lady Toni Bevell (Elizabeth Blackmore) indeed opened fire on Sam. "She shot him. I don't know where, but I know she shot him," Padalecki said.

However, Padalecki suggested that this shouldn't be new to fans who have been following the show. "What else is new – Sam gets injured. At least I'm not getting tortured – yet," he went on to say.

Bevell was sent by her group known as the Men of Letters to bring Sam and Dean (Jensen Ackles). She revealed the organization has been closely watching them for a while.

"Supernatural" season 12 will flesh out this group as they are expected to be the new big bad in the upcoming season.

Meanwhile, another mystery to be solved in "Supernatural" season 12 is the resurrection of Dean and Sam's mother Mary (Samantha Smith). Amara (Emily Swallow) brought her back to life to show her gratitude for all the Winchester brothers' help.

Padalecki said that in "Supernatural" season 12 Dean would really want to get some "closure" while Sam, who was way too young when Mary was murdered, will be curious at best, "even if he didn't know" the tragedy.

As for those who have been wondering if the Winchester patriarch John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) will follow suit, fans are in for a bad news.

Padalecki also wanted this to happen but unfortunately for "Supernatural" season 12, the actor said "I knew they couldn't get Jeffrey Dean Morgan back."

"Supernatural" season 12 premieres on Oct. 13 on The CW with an episode called "Keep Calm and Carry On."