'Supernova' news: game to have new player-controlled features

Supernova website

Developer and publisher Bandai Namco is known as one of the top names in the gaming industry. With a string of successes in almost every genre, the company is looking to expand into the multiplayer online battle arena frontier with its recent addition, "Supernova." 

Already on its alpha stage, the new title seems to live up to its hype of providing a new yet raw experience to multiplayer battles. In an in-depth review by noted gaming site Gamespot, "Supernova" is touted as a cross between "League of Legends" and "Starcraft 2," two hugely popular titles in the multiplayer genre.

However, developer Primal Game Studio said that although there are general similarities in the gameplay, "Supernova" also has unique elements which will give it advantage over other multiplayer battle titles like "DotA 2" and "LoL."

Product manager Jason Schaefer is quoted as saying, "What we've seen is that experienced MOBA players who for example were playing League of Legends for four years, they're getting tired of it, they're getting a little burned out. 

"They'll come try out Supernova and they find it a very refreshing and new experience that revitalises their interest not only in MOBAs but also RTS...A large portion is previous MOBA players who have four plus years and they're kind of ready for something new. And we're ready to give them something new." 

Indeed, unlike other MOBA titles that automatically spawns minions to help characters breach the enemy's base, "Supernova" commanders take control of the spawns, and players are the ones who pick which types of minions will make up their army. In addition, spawns can be upgraded by using resources. Players can also sell their already-spawned units to change their army composition. What this means is that aside from making sure that their commander characters level up in terms of skill, players will have to arrange real-time strategies in order to oppose the enemy and conquer their base.