Survey looks at experience of Christian singles

A dating site has begun a major in-depth survey into Christian singles in an effort to understand their experiences within the church.

Christian Connection has already had responses from more than a thousand Christians in the week since the survey was launched.

The questions explore issues such as whether Christian singles feel accepted in church, how being single has impacted their faith, and how helpful they have found church advice on relationships and issues of singleness.

"Single people in churches of all traditions want – and need - to share their experiences," said Christian Connection founder Jackie Elton.

"We hope churches will understand and learn from the findings. Single people often feel marginalised in churches which concentrate on the needs of families.

"However, as the number of single people grows in society, it is more important than ever that churches identify ways to make them feel welcome and and fully included.

"Single Christians have already shared experiences and stories - positive and negative - of attending church. We would ask and encourage people to let their single friends know about the survey and encourage them to complete it."

She added: "Armed with this important information we hope to work with other groups to bring about positive and practical change and development within churches, as well as helping single Christians find a voice."

The survey, which can be completed by going to closes at the end of June.