Survey Reveals 92 Percent of Christians Feel Stress at Work

|TOP|Stress is a major factor affecting Christians at work, according to a new poll conducted by Premier Christian Radio.

According to the study, a massive 92 per cent of Christians surveyed reported that they had felt stressed at their work places at one time or another, with 45 per cent of these saying that they felt stressed often or most of the time.

The report has been issued in parallel with news that approximately half a million people in the UK are becoming ill due to work related stress.

Premier Lifeline’s Jonathan Clark stated, “Christians are not alone when it comes to experiencing stress in the workplace. However, Christians do have a wide range of resources available to them to help combat stress that many others don't.”

|AD|In highlighting ways in which people can combat the stresses of daily life, Clark added: “The key to resolving stress is communication. A supportive congregation, a caring Minister or a talk with a staff member at Premier Lifeline can all provide an opening to discuss where the stress is originating. Once that has been established, usually the problem can be resolved.”

Clark highlighted the fact that organisations, not just individuals need to tackle stress in the workplace as each case of stress-related ill health leads to an average of 30.9 working days lost.

“30% of those who have experienced significant levels of stress feel that it has lessened their commitment to their employers,” Clark said.

“Stress was also cited as having a negative effect on the health of over a third of the working population -that's around 8.5 million people, with men and women being equally affected by the problem.”

Premier Lifeline is part of the Association of Christian Councillors and accepts calls from all people, regardless of religious beliefs. They offer support and prayer as well as connecting callers to counselling services and long term support where necessary.