"Survivor: Worlds Apart" results: Joe, Dan most likely to leave; Hali Ford blames being blindsided for her early exit

The latest set of castaways for Survivor Season 30.Survivor Facebook page

Gold Derby recently announced the current prediction standing for the next castaway who's likely to get eliminated in this season of "Survivor." 

According to the poll, 25-year-old Joe Anglim from the No Collar tribe is placed on top of the elimination chart. He was almost booted out last week, but his victory in the Immunity challenge saved him and extended his stay on the island. 

The runner-up in the poll is Blue Collar's 47-year-old member Dan Foley. The controversial postal worker may be the next one to get booted out from the island if Joe will be saved again in the next episode of "Survivor: Worlds Apart." 

Either one of them will follow Hali Ford out of San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua, where the 30th season of the long-running competitive reality show was filmed. The 25-year-old law student from the No Collar tribe was surprisingly voted off in last week's episode, despite the fact that other castaways like Joe and Dan were expected to lead the votes for the person who should be eliminated. 

During her exit interview with HitFix, Hali tried to understand what went wrong in her strategy, which ultimately ended her stint in Nicaragua. According to the San Francisco native, she should have trusted her insticts when she felt that Will had flipped on her during the last council vote. 

"Everyone was so convinced that he was with us that they changed my mind and I became convinced that I was paranoid. I wasn't paranoid," she said. "But I learned, you know, on 'Survivor' you've got to trust your gut. I should have gone with that." 

She also shared that she should have believed that Shirin was on her side instead of working to get the votes of other castaways. But Hali said that her biggest mistake was being blindsided by her own gameplay. 

"I don't play life with my heart. I play life with my head. I make my decisions mentally. I'm not an emotional person. That's why I said I'm like a dude. I'm really not. I don't talk to people about my emotions, because that's not how I make my decisions," the former castaway said. 

"Survivor: Worlds Apart" airs every Wednesday on CBS.