Swine flu cases confirmed in UK

|PIC1| Two people in Scotland are confirmed to have contracted the swine flu virus after travelling to Mexico. The Scottish Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon, said that both individuals are recovering in hospital.

Health Secretary Alan Johnson told the House of Commons earlier that as many as 25 people in the UK could have caught the swine flu virus.

Since his announcement nine of those cases have been proved clear of the disease, whislt 14 are still being examined.

The British Government called an emergency meeting to deal with the swine flu virus, which has killed 103 people in Mexico and halted church services.

Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, said that the country was on “constant alert”.

Professor Nigel Dimmock, a virologist from Warwick University, was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying, “Swine flu could already have reached the UK.

“There really is cause to worry. If it's a new virus no one will have any immunity. It will not be possible to keep it out … We may have to prepare ourselves for a new pandemic virus - the fourth in the last 100 years.”

He said the virus had the potential to be bigger than Spanish influenza.

"We will know in the next few days exactly how nasty this is going to be … Viruses like these are very efficient at swapping genetic information, so I would not be at all surprised if it did spread very quickly and get as far as Britain. We have to hope for the best and plan for the worst,” he said.

Yesterday, officials from the Departments of Health, the Home Office and the Foreign Office held a series of emergency COBRA meetings.

The disease has already spread to the US and Canada and there are suspected cases in Spain, France and Israel.

Alan Johnson attempted reassure the public saying, “We have got a whole range of measures in place. We have a stockpile of the drugs and we have an agreement with a manufacturer so as soon as the scientists can find a vaccine, they can produce it.

“If you have flu-like symptoms, don't go to your GP but stay at home and call NHS Direct. The whole point about these kinds of epidemics is you don't want to spread them and you spread them by going out and mixing with other people.”

Mexico City, which has a population of 21 million people, has been subdued since the outbreak of the virus. Sporting events and church services have been cancelled to stop crowds from spreading the virus to each other. Catholic churches are showing notices saying that all Masses, baptisms and confirmations have been cancelled until further notice.

The few people who attended the service at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City were forced to wear blue face masks.

Roman Catholics were planning on holding a Mass on Sunday night in the empty Basilica of the Virgin of Guadeloupe to be broadcast on the radio.