'Switched at Birth' season 5 news: Major changes happening for Bay, Daphne


Major changes are coming for Bay (Vanessa Marano), Daphne (Katie Leclerc) and their loved ones when "Switched at Birth" returns for season 5.

At the end of the fourth season, both girls decided to go to China to begin a new life together. But the two received a shocking call from home, which compelled them to go back home.

But series creator Lizzy Weiss said that they have a lot of plans for the plot of "Switched at Birth" when they return for the fifth season.

"Not everything is fleshed out, but there is a general plan," Weiss previously told The Wrap after the airing of the fourth season finale. "We had a million ideas [for what the cliffhanger would be], and we may still use a couple of them. There are some stories that I still love and that we may still use."

One of the stories that fans of the series would like to be resolved is Bay and Emmett's relationship. In season 4, Emmett (Sean Berdy) decided to let Bay go so she can start a new life with Travis (Ryan Lane). But "Bemmett" fans should not worry about the future of their favorite couple, since Emmett's decision showed that the two have already matured after the incident with Tank (Max Adler). "It's a testament to their relationship in the long run," Weiss said.

The series creator also dished on the plans for Toby (Lucas Grabeel) and Lily's (Rachel Shenton) newborn baby. A lot of drama surrounded Lily's pregnancy, especially since the child was diagnosed with Down Syndrome before being born.

The previous season centered mostly on the baby's birth. But Weiss said that things will progress from there after the fourth season. "It was just important that we end the first part of that journey. On the other hand, you're just beginning the journey. That is a really beautiful moment, and one of my favorites, not just in the episode, but in the series," the series creator stated.

"Switched at Birth" is scheduled to return for Season 5 in 2016.