'Sword Art Online' release news: games to come to western shores

Bandai Namco

Some role-playing games released on consoles don't make it past Japanese audiences, hence the emergence of the JRPG genre. Although some fans launch online petitions for their favorite series or titles-turned-RPGs to be released in the global markets, most often than not, there still are developers and publishers that opt to limit their title's release only in Japan and, in rare instances, other Asian countries.

When news of two new game titles from the hugely-popular anime and manga series "Sword Art Online" was released, many fans of the globally-known title hoped that the games would make it to western shores. Now, it seems that their request would be answered. 

Publisher Bandai Namco has announced that "Re: Hollow Fragment" and "Lost Song," two titles based on the hit anime, will be making it to North American and European shores.

According to the post on the European Bandai Namco website, "Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment" will be made available as an exclusive download to Europe, Middle-East and Australasia players through the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 4 in the middle of the year." 

In addition, "Sword Art Online: Lost Song" is also scheduled to be released through retail stores in Europe, Middle-East and Australasia for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 this coming fall season. The title is also set to be released for the North American audience at the same time. The game has already been released in Japan, as well as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 

In both titles, players will be able to take on the role of Kirito, the main protagonist for "Sword Art Online." Much like the plot in the anime and manga, players can also create their own characters, customizing their looks and set skills. Gameplay closely follows that of the series' storyline, and players will have the option to play in both offline and online co-op modes with up to four people in a multiplayer party.