'Sword Coast Legends' developer shuts down; game's console versions will still be released

Sword Coast Legendsn-Space

Artist Ben O'Leary recently revealed via Twitter that video game developer n-Space was shutting down. This was later confirmed by "Dungeons and Dragons" parent company Wizards of the Coast in a report from Venture Beat

n-Space is known for developing several Nintendo DS games, particularly the DS "Call of Duty" and "007" games. The company's biggest ordeal was when they were hired to develop a new PC game based on the fifth edition of "Dungeons and Dragons," which eventually led to the release of "Sword Coast Legends."

The company's closure has brought some concern regarding the future of "Sword Coast Legends" as the game is scheduled to release a port for the PS4 and Xbox One later this year as well as a DLC pack for the original PC version. According to the report, the responsibilities have fallen to the game's publisher, Digital Extremes.

"Right now, we believe the Rage of Demons DLC will be released for PC, but we are confirming with Digital Extremes," explained a representative from Wizards of the Coast. "The console versions are complete, and they intend to release the PS4 and Xbox One versions of 'Sword Coast Legends.' The timing isn't confirmed, but we're hopeful that they will release soon."

It is further explained that the original plan for "Sword Coast Legends" was to keep it going for as long as the fifth edition of "Dungeons and Dragons" was being played and that future modules and updates would be released. While this is still possible, it will be with a new company taking over n-Space's position as lead developer.

"Sword Coast Legends" was released in 2015 and was met with lukewarm reviews due to its poor implementation of the tabletop ruleset and the lack of tools for the Dungeon Master mode in which a player could build a dungeon and fill it with monsters and traps as other adventurers traverse it in real-time. The game has since gained higher reviews after the release of several free add-ons.