Take-Two's upcoming game news: 'Borderlands 3' might finally happen

"Red Dead Redemption 2" website
The west is even more wild the second time around in "Red Dead Redemption 2."

Known game publisher Take-Two Interactive continues its success in releasing "Red Dead Redemption 2" by early 2018. What they might not know is that they have been teasing their fans with a new game which they are not likely to reveal any time soon.

Take-Two has made its name in the gaming industry having released many of this generation's popular games. Aside from one of their most famous franchises, "Grand Theft Auto," they have also found success with "Red Dead Redemption" which led to them making a second game. With this second game's anticipated success early next year, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, has made some interesting hints at their possible future games, as reported by IGN.

Another one of their successful games is the "Borderlands" franchise. With "Borderlands 2" ending on a positive note, many fans still want more of it, expecting a third one. A few months ago, video game developer Gearbox, also the one responsible for making "Borderlands," also made some of their own hints at a new game. According to PC Gamer, Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox, proudly announced that 90% of the company are working on a game that most of the fans have been waiting for.

With their reputation for "Borderlands," most fans would easily assume that it would be "Borderlands 3." With this recent leak from Zelnick, it is looking like more of a possibility this time around. The hype is starting to build up especially when the two companies behind "Borderlands" have given hints about their next game.

Although there is no hard evidence for it, there is always the possibility that both Gearbox and Take-Two might just be talking about two different games. In that case, it could be a new "Bioshock" game too. Taking into consideration Take-Two's popular games, "Bioshock" is the only one that may just have a possible third game.

Whatever game Zelnick is talking about, fans at this point can expect it to be a great hit, especially if they plan to tease their fans about it. Nevertheless, "Red Dead Redemption" is coming out early next year; so, there is still time to kill before the new game comes out.