Taking Care of Your Teeth
You only get one set of adult teeth, so looking after them this winter, amongst the hectic seasonal schedule can be difficult. However, remembering to look after your smile, can be well worth the effort.
|PIC1|The British Dental Health Foundation (BDFH) recommends that we all visit the dentist for a check-up at least once a year. Ideally, we should go every six months - that way, early tooth decay or gum disease can be spotted before it causes any real damage.
With decay affecting more than half of children under five, it's particularly important that parents insist their children have regular check-ups.
If you're putting off booking that next check-up, it's worth remembering that, left untreated, tooth decay can cause the total loss of a tooth within 12 months.
Why not make the effort to go before this year's cake comes along?
Registering is straightforward - it involves some form filling but doesn't necessarily entail the transferral of old records. Dental Phobia is uncommon, however, beware - if you register and do not attend an within 15 months, you could be removed from their records.
As for emergency treatment, walk into any UK dental practice and receive emergency treatment, though try to avoid the emergency situation happening in the first place...
Finally, bear in mind Orthodontic dentistry, especially for your teenage child. Responsible for the 'train tracks' that are not popularly regarded amongst teenages, it is however an important branch of dentistry that corrects and straightens our teeth.