Taylor Swift news: T. Swift bought a homeless pregnant fan a house

Grammy winner Taylor Swift back in 2016Reuters/ Danny Moloshok

Grammy Awards winner and world-renowned artist Taylor Swift ended 2017 with an amazing gift for one of her fans. A homeless T. Swift fan shared her story about how the singing sensation star helped her out by buying her a house.

Swift's longtime fan Stephanie posted the story of the selfless deed by her idol on The Swift Life application. Stephanie was 8 months pregnant and is living on the streets until Swift bought her a home in England. Screengrabs of the story were posted on Twitter with the caption "Taylor is an actual angel wow."

Stephanie first contemplated about posting the story, but she then decided to share it to the world. "What many of you don't know is that for 8 months of my pregnancy I was homeless... My mum told Taylor and just asked her to make me feel special at her show I was attending in Manchester," she wrote.

Stephanie then narrated that after the show, Swift invited her to her dressing room and told her, "Stephanie, You've been in my life for a long time and you've never asked me for anything." Swift gave back the money Stephanie used for her ticket to help her buy a home. "I want you to be able to enjoy your little girl, not have to worry about all this stuff," Swift told Stephanie.

"(Taylor) lifted me off the ground. The same way she's done for 12 years," Stephanie added. Other Swift fans commended the country singer for her actions to help out a fan. Media publications also applauded Swift for what she did.

Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour 2018 kicks off on May. 8 at Glendale, Arizona. Her tour will run until September 2018 and she will visit other countries as well like Ireland and the United Kingdom. There are still no further updates if Swift will visit other countries as well.