Taylor Swift's act of kindness overwhelms family of young girl fighting leukaemia

Taylor Swift writes to the ‘beautiful and brave Naomi,’ telling her to ‘focus on getting you feeling better’ as she sends her ‘biggest hugs to you and your family.’Reuters

Taylor Swift is a complete sweetheart when it comes to her fans. When she found out that Naomi Oakes, an 11-year-old Christian girl from San Tan Vally, Arizona, was battling leukaemia and needed her help, she donated $50,000 to the girl's GoFundMe page and left her an inspiring message to boot.

The young girl was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia on June 25. She was such a huge fan of Swift that she even chose her recent hit "Bad Blood" as her "fight song," the Christian Post revealed. She showed bravery amid her ordeal. But she was pretty devastated to find out that her six-to-nine-month hospital stay would make her miss Swift's concert in Phoenix on Aug. 18.

Naomi received the tickets as a Christmas present and has already tagged her "bestest best friend Piper" to go watch with her, but she was forced to prioritise seeking treatment at Cardon Children's Hospital in Mesa.

When Swift saw Naomi's viral YouTube video, she immediately went to the girl's fundraising page and donated the $50,000 and left a message: "To the beautiful and brave Naomi, I'm sorry you have to miss it, but there will always be more concerts. Let's focus on getting you feeling better. I'm sending the biggest hugs to you and your family."

Swift's act of kindness overwhelmed Naomi and her parents. Naomi, in particular, could not believe that Swift left her a message. "Oh my God. I can barely breathe," she said. "I seriously think I'm gonna pass out."

Swift's own mother Andrea Finlay was diagnosed with cancer as well earlier this year, and the singer shared the heartbreaking news on her Tumblr account: "The results came in, and I'm saddened to tell you that my mom has been diagnosed with cancer. I hope and pray that you never get news like this."