Tearfund Says Halt Climate Change on UN World Environment Day

|PIC1|Churches operating in poor communities affected by climate change across three continents are calling for urgent action to be taken by the international community to mark the United Nations World Environment Day, 5th June 2006.

The devastating impact of changing climate is already apparent in many parts of the developing world, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated that 150,000 people already die each year as a result of climate change, tell Tearfund.

Tearfund, one of the UK's leading Christian relief and development agencies, which is committed to addressing the causes of poverty in many of the poorest countries around the world, offered some examples of the devastating impact that climate change is having across the globe:

* In Honduras, Osvaldo Munguia, from Tearfund partner agency Mopawi, states: “Climate change is having a very severe impact on us. The rains are decreasing so the dry seasons are longer, meaning that when planting their crops, people in rural areas are very unsure when to start and harvests are lost to drought or floods.”

* In Ethiopia Tadesse Dadi, Tearfund Programme Support Advisor, says: “A drought is currently affecting some 11 million people across the Horn of Africa, mainly due to four years of failed rains. We are helping people to adapt so they can continue with the way they have been doing things in the past. When the climate changes they don't have enough resources to fall back on.”

|TOP|* In Bangladesh, Tearfund partner Heed reports: “Waterlogging of seawater in coastal areas in the west due to higher tides is causing loss of crop land. Crop failures and loss of capital investment not only increases food insecurity, but also loss of household assets.

These events increase not only vulnerability but push more people into the vicious cycle of poverty.”

Tearfund is working with a number of churches and other Christian agencies across the developing world, to give aid and relief to communities in need.

Tearfund states that its research is showing that “poor communities are experiencing severe difficulties as climate change has an impact on water resources, food security, health and migration.”

|AD|Floods and droughts are becoming more common in today’s era, whilst falling and less predictable rainfall is resulting in severe disruption to seasonal patterns that affect those least able to cope across Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Rachel Roach, Tearfund Policy Officer on Climate Change said, “As Christians, we believe we have a particular responsibility to speak up for the poor. Climate change is already affecting poor communities in the developing world in devastating ways and the outlook for the future is much worse.

“With the Stop Climate Chaos coalition we are urging the UK government to take the lead in tackling climate change by ensuring UK greenhouse gas emissions fall by three percent every year. Tearfund is at the forefront of helping poor communities cope with the effects of climate change and we believe that Christians must stand with them by living more sustainable lives.”

A call is now being made to all of Tearfund’s supporters to cut their own greenhouse emissions using simple yet effective lifestyle changes. Tearfund has produced the booklet 'For Tomorrow Too' to help individuals know how to combat climate change.

Tearfund is also asking people to write to Prime Minister Tony Blair pledging support for the ‘Stop Climate Chaos’ coalition, and to ask for more urgent action to take place.