'Teen Mom OG' stars Catelynn Lowell, Tyler Baltierra share pictures of wedding invitations

Now that "Teen Mom OG" has wrapped up its latest season, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have gone into full wedding preparation mode for their upcoming August nuptials. With only 10 weeks to go before their big day, Baltierra shared a shot of their princess-themed invitations on social media, to the delight of their fans. 

"Wedding invitations are on their way out! I can't wait until August! @catelynnmtv is going to be the most beautiful bride! #10weeksToGo," he captioned the photo. 

The invitation shows a black and white picture of the happy couple beside an illustration of a castle. Written in Old English font were the words, "It is the decree by the lord and lady that the people of the manor are invited to attend the noble marriage of Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra." 

On Wednesday, June 10, the "Teen Mom OG" stars visited their Charlevoix, Michigan wedding venue and Baltierra uploaded a picture of him and his bride-to-be posing outside the venue. 

Back in 2013, the two postponed their nuptials after an appearance on VH1's "Couple's Therapy," but this time around, it looks like there's nothing holding them back from starting their new life together as a married couple. The high school sweethearts — who placed their first daughter Carly for adoption in 2009 — are still head over heels in love with each other after 10 years of being together. The two welcomed their second daughter, Novalee, on New Year's Day. 

They clearly can't wait to be married as they have been posting on Instagram almost daily to keep their fans updated while their show is on hiatus. On June 9, Baltierra posted another shot of him and Lowell and expressed his appreciation for his longtime love in the caption, calling her "my partner, my best friend, and my soulmate." 

"Cate, your [sic] going to be the most beautiful bride & I can't thank you enough for making the last 10 years of my life beyond amazing & fulfilled with pure love & immense joy!" Baltierra added.