'Teen Wolf' season 5 updates: Episode 1 title revealed; will it bring new creatures in?

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Series creator Jeff Davis is apparently "back at it" — back at the world of half-human, half-wolf Scott McCall, that is. Davis dropped a hint about what's coming next for the supernatural MTV series "Teen Wolf," slaking fans' thirst for a good old clue on the fate of the wolf pack in Beacon Hills. He did it by sharing a snapshot of the cover page of the script written for the premiere episode of the fifth season, which reads, "Teen Wolf Episode #501 'Creatures of the Night' by Jeff Davis." 

Expectedly, the new info only spawned more questions from fans' tickled minds. Basing on the storylines in the previous seasons of the show, Hypable inferred that "Creatures of the Night" would add another mystical creature into the picture. Season 3B of "Teen Wolf" told the tales of the kitsune. Season 4 focused on the were-jaguar and touched on South America folklore. Season 5 will most likely be another ancient myth in the making, Hypable guessed. 

Speculations on the unveiled title quickly became ripe. However, "Teen Wolf" staff writer Angela Harvey stated through Twitter that "Creatures of the Night" is still subject to change.

"We're a long way off from the cutting room still so it could possibly change. But the completed script is 'Creatures of the Night,'" Harvey tweeted. 

Nevertheless, series pin-up Tyler Posey (Scott McCall) has assured viewers that the new season of "Teen Wolf" will be action-packed.

"It's going to be badass. Like, it's another thing we haven't done before," Posey said to E! News back in November.

His character along with the wolf pack has battled Kate and Peter at the end of the fourth season, which sent the latter to a mental institution and the former to flee. 

"I'm really excited. It's cool because I know nothing about the season, I only know one part of it. But it's so badass that I would watch the entire season just for this one part," McCall added.