'Tekken X' release date delayed due to 'Tekken 7' and 'Street Fighter V'

First Tekken X Street Fighter promo image from 2010 San Diego Comic-Con.SuperSonicTH / Wikimedia Commons

The first crossover between "Street Fighter" and "Tekken" released back in 2012 and since then very little has been heard regarding the follow-up, "Tekken x Street Fighter." According to a report from GameBlog (via Shoryuken), the delay for "Tekken x Street Fighter" is mainly due to marketing roadblocks.

"'Tekken x Street Fighter' is still in development," explained Bandai Namco senior designer Michael Murray. "It's difficult at the moment to find a period to launch the game since 'Tekken 7' was released. For the moment, we are focusing on 'Tekken 7.'"

"Tekken 7" has been released in Japan but only for the arcades and the arcade version has yet to see a nationwide release in North America. Console and PC releases are still coming down the line and it is likely that this focus on bringing "Tekken 7" outside Japan while also introducing new characters via DLC is what Murray was referring to.

At the same time, Capcom is working on "Street Fighter V," which will release for the Playstation 4. The game is expected to release sometime this year, meaning both Capcom and Bandai Namco will want the spotlight to shine more on the individual, stand-alone games before diverting gamers' attention to the crossover title.

Very often companies will distance their games apart from titles of a similar genre in order to dominate the market while possible. With that in mind, both "Tekken 7" and "Street Fighter V" are expected to launch soon, leaving very little time in between for the crossover game to release without it affecting the sales of the individual titles.

Development has been ongoing, despite the lack of a release window. Last summer "Tekken" series producer Katsuhiro Harada confirmed in a report from Famitsu (via Siliconera) that "Tekken x Street Fighter" has gone far along in development, with polygon models done and the lineup of characters decided.