'Terminator 5' movie plot update: Machine threat relevant to modern world, new villain offers something unseen before

"Terminator: Genisys" is the fifth instalment of the franchise and with all the hype around it, fans and non-fans are expecting a high quality movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back and he will be joined by new faces for the reboot. 

The team behind "Genisys" knows the huge expectations on their shoulders and they are hard at work on delivering what might be the biggest "Terminator" movie yet. For one, they are making sure that the T-800 robot will be the perfect high-tech robot in the movie. 

According to Cinema Blend, the T-800 will still incorporate the trademark glowing red eyes. While some expect that the T-800 would look a lot more modern for the new movie, the movie makers took a simpler approach when it comes to its body. With the time-traveling plot, they deemed it would be best to keep the body as similar to the original one as possible. 

Furthermore, the team behind "Terminator" isn't just double-checking each physical detail, they are making sure that the plot and story are something relevant as well. In a report by USA Today, producer David Ellison shared that the plot of "Genisys" is actually describing the modern age today. 

"If you look down at every single person who's on a smartphone, those technologies could actually be used to hand over the keys to Skynet to be able to drive your life," he said. 

He also told Entertainment Weekly that "Skynet no longer has to break down our front door because we line up in front of Apple stores to invite it in. We're constantly giving away our privacy." 

On top of the real-world adaptive storyline, Ellison and director Alan Taylor are hard at work at offering something new to all the movie goers. For one, the synthespian will use "a body double plus scans of Schwarzenegger's face from the first film merged with what his face looks like now" which will result the 1984 Terminator robot.

"Part of the challenge is to dazzle people with something they haven't seen before. There are elements in our main villain that are straining the capacities of our brilliant visual-effects people. So that's a good sign," Taylor told EW.

"Terminator: Genisys" hit theaters on July 1.