Tesla Model S and X news: Increased range revealed for both cars

Twitter courtesy of Tesla

The latest news about both the Tesla Model S and the Model X reveals that the two cars may possess greater range than what may have been previously believed.

Starting off with the Tesla Model S, it was revealed last month that when pushed near to its limit, the car could go 452.8 miles on a single charge after it was tested by Norway's Bjørn Nyland.

However, it appears Nyland may have still been underselling the capabilities of the car.

Another man, Corey Spencer, recently surpassed that mark with the Tesla Model S after he successfully drove for 550 miles, according to Gas 2.

Of course, it's worth noting that Spencer managed to pull off the feat in near ideal conditions. That means that he drove using over-inflated tires and had already carefully mapped out a route that posed the bare minimum threat of overusing his battery life.

Still, Spencer's feat is remarkable mainly for two reasons; one being that he drove the car for 24 hours straight to reach the lofty mileage mark and second is that the official range of the Tesla Model S is only 265 miles.

Moving on to the Tesla Model X, the car's range has also apparently increased, although there was no incredible feat of endurance required this time around.

According to Green Car Reports, the estimated range for the Tesla Model X is now set at 250 miles.

The new figure represents a 10-mile increase from the previously known range of 240.

The additional 10 miles will figure to help a lot of people making daily trips to and from work and those also taking trips out of town.

It's believed that range was one of the issues that caused delays in terms of the production of the Tesla Model X. Tesla may still be looking at new ways to increase the range for their Model X cars.