Thanksgiving: The art of having a gratitude that abounds


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We often come across the phrase, "Count your blessings" or hear others tells us to have gratitude in life for everything. But, how often in life do we really practice this? Christianity celebrates thanksgiving and in the US, it is a public holiday as well. Have you ever wondered why gratitude is so important in life? Why even in challenging circumstances do pastors tell to find one thing every day to be thankful for? What has the Bible to say about gratitude? How can it change our life? Get a mobile version or hardcopy of the Bible online using Discount Codes and know in detail about Christianity.

In Christianity, Paul explained in Colossians 2:6-7 that we received Jesus Christ and this is a blessing that changes everything. We have to do is read the Bible and walk on the path guided by the Lord himself. He says that we all are rooted and built up in him. Our faith is established in him. Being established in him and being Christian itself is a privilege and something to be grateful for.

Many of us have been going to church since childhood. Sunday church is a ritual that was ingrained in us since the day of Christening and that itself is a matter of gratitude because imagine where we would be if we never knew the Lord or didn't have a church family supporting us? When a person is overflowing with misery, engulfed in darkness and is hopeless of his future, especially then we must look to the Bible and practice gratitude. Paul further teaches that when we practice faith, our faith can be unshaken even in the worst situations of life when we choose to abound with gratitude instead of complaining. Thanksgiving is not just a mere celebration but it is a profound feeling that we belong to Jesus Christ, no matter what.

Paul reminds us that the mighty father has delivered, redeemed and forgiven us through Christ and that is the highest thing to be grateful for. Often we thank God for what he gives us or what we have or the desires that come true. But being thankful for his being or presence itself will make us manifest Christlike qualities and gratitude will become our second nature. We no longer need to make an effort to give thanks consciously because it has become part of our being and consciously or unconsciously we are in a state of gratitude not just for the provision he has showered us with but his being as well. Every minute of our life is overflowing with gratitude in good or bad situations.

Imagine a situation where a grumpy old man selling fruits is met with a customer who buys fruits and also says thank you with a smile. It will brighten up the vendor's day and there are many people like him whose days can be changed to positive by the mere act of expressing gratitude. So never shy away from the act of gratitude and make it your prime virtue because this life was purchased with a price and the price paid was Jesus Christ himself and that is enough to be thankful for in every breath you take.