'The 100' season 3 spoilers: New promo images from season premiere 'Wanheda: Part One' out now

"The 100" season 3 premieres on Jan. 21 on The CW.The 100/Official Facebook Page

The group is headed to a darker, sinister future in "The 100" season 3, and things are especially murky for Clarke, if the promotional photos from the season premiere "Wanheda: Part One" are anything to go by.

Fans will remember that by the end of season 2, Clarke left Camp Jaha after having watched the Mountain Men perish in her own hands. As it turns out, the warrior now walks among the Grounders. She dons red locks to avoid discovery.

It does not look like Clarke is at ease at all and she could actually be in grave danger. "The 100" season 3 will make a small time jump from the events in Mount Weather. So, fans can expect her path to the Grounders to fill in the blanks about what she has become.

There are photos of the rest of the characters too, and they all look tense. Jasper, in particular, looks disoriented and injured as Octavia assists him. Another photo features Octavia, but this time, she is the one getting comfort from Lincoln.

One of "The 100" season 3 photos sees a cautious Murphy as he attempts to inspect the mysterious bunker he was in the last time fans saw him. In another photo, Raven does not look happy as she looks on to an unseen individual. Other photos show Niylah and Abby Griffin.

Fans definitely miss Bellamy from the images but fret not, as he will be a great presence in the new season. In fact, viewers hope that a romance between him and Clarke will develop especially after seeing the latter give him a big hug upon her return.

Despite fans' wishes, however, the pairing might not happen. "The 100" season 3 will see Clarke hunted down by the Ice Nation and TV Guide reports that she will grow a bit too close to a trading post worker.

"The 100" season 3 premieres Jan. 21, 9 p.m. ET on The CW.