The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success

The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success

Date: Wed 20th April

Venue: Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey

Time: Day runs 11am - 3:30pm

Fee: £35 including lunch and notes

To discover:
- How to tap into the great spiritual laws God has built into the universe
- The one thing above all others that sabotages an effective prayer life
- The four reasons why people give up on God
- What to do when difficult circumstances shatter your faith
- Why in helping others you in turn help yourself
- How to rid your soul of every hurt and bitterness
- Why some people find it difficult to 'forgive and forget'
- The three proven steps to the cultivation of your soul
- Why service for God is only second in importance
- How to overcome dark and depressing doubts

For online booking, please visit the website. For further details, please email or call 01252 784774.