'The Affair' Season Two plot, cast news: The truth will be revealed

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Schoolteacher Noah Solloway, arrested for murder, will be released from jail on bail. Is he guilty? Cole Lockhart, estranged husband of waitress Alison Bailey, finds a new love interest in a character to be played by "Pretty Little Liars" star Miranda Rae Mayo. Will their relationship prosper?

Fans have these and much more to look foward to when Season Two of Showtime's award-winning TV drama series "The Affair" unfolds this October.  

According to Venture Capital Post, one of the new developments is the appearance of publishing company editor-in-chief Yvonne, to be played by Joanna Gleason of "The Newsroom."

According to various entertainment news sources, Solloway is to be freed on bail for lack of evidence. The viewpoints of Cole and Helen, Solloway's estranged wife, will likewise be added to the unfolding narration of events, creating a complexity that appeals to the show's fans.

"The Affair", winner of the Best TV Show for Drama at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, explores the consequences of an adulterous relationship between Solloway, played by Dominic West, and Bailey, played by Ruth Wilson.

Solloway is happily married but resentful of his father-in-law, a successful writer who belittles his son-in-law's recently published book. Bailey is unhappy in her marriage to ranch owner Cole, played by Joshua Jackson. Their only son drowned at age four.

In a dramatic twist, Bailey rescues Solloway's youngest daughter from nearly choking to death. Bailey and Solloway end up having an affair that leads to breakdown of their respective marriages. 

Half of the show is told from Solloway's point of view and the other half, from Bailey's. Often, the two viewpoints on the same events differ. The show is structured this way because part of it takes place in the future, where Solloway and Bailey are questioned by the police for the murder of Scotty Lockhart, Bailey's brother-in-law, played by Collin Donnell.

Season One ended with Solloway, now living with Bailey, getting arrested by Detective Jeffries for Scotty's murder. Apparently Scotty got Solloway's teenage daughter pregnant. Sarah Treem, the show's creator, told E! Online that the truth about these and other plot twists would be revealed quite soon.