'The Affair' to receive a fourth season in 2018

YouTube/The Affair
Screenshot from "The Affair" trailer

Psychological drama TV series "The Affair" is getting a fourth season sometime in 2018.

According to entertainment news website Den of Geek, the hit TV series will reportedly be getting a slew of brand new faces. Russel Hornby would be stepping into the shoes of Carl Gateswood, Janella's ex-husband. Meanwhile, Christopher Meyer would be stepping in as Gateswood's son.

Aside from those two, a pair of actors, Tim Matheson and Diana Meyer would be coming in to play a new couple. These characters, while apparently previously acquainted with the main cast, seem like they'll be bringing a whole lot of new drama to the show.

"The Affair" has always been a show about turbulent emotions and drama-filled relationships, considering the focus was on affairs, but season four seems like it's going to take this to another level.

There's a moment of calm before the storm since the fourth season will reportedly focus on the main characters and their new relationships. They're trying to move on and live peaceful lives, and while it seems like a turn for the better at first glance, knowing that people from the main character's pasts will also be returning puts a pessimistic spin on the supposedly hopeful premise.

Season four might begin on a peaceful note, but "The Affair" has been TV series about toxic relationships, so there's a chance that despite the peaceful exterior, there will most likely be drama in store for the characters in the near future.

Showtime itself described "The Affair" as a show that explores the emotional effects of extramarital relationships and how this changes the people involved.

The show follows Noah who is a school teacher and novelist, his wife, and his children. Noah meets the young waitress Allison, who is mourning the death of her son. He's intrigued by her, and while they start off as friends, the two eventually have an affair.