'The Americans' season 3 spoilers: Paige deals with the truth about being the daughter of Russian spies


The third season of "The Americans" is coming to a close, which means that the explosive finale episode is right around the corner. The question is, how will the Jennings deal with their daughter Paige (Holly Taylor) in the remaining episodes of the season, now that she is already aware that they are Russian spies? 

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Taylor talked about how her character handled the truth regarding her parents' real occupation. The actress said that she had been waiting for her character to find out that she is a daughter of two Russian spies. Now that it is already out in the open, she said that it will be interesting to see how Paige, Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip (Matthew Rhys) will deal with it. She also shared a few details about what the family has to go through in the last few episodes of "The Americans" season 3.

"In the next few episodes — and even in the next episode — you'll see Paige's emotional journey. You'll get to see how everyone in the family is coping with this new aspect of their life. Elizabeth has wanted Paige to know, but she didn't really think about the consequences of how she would react and how she would treat her parents. You'll get to see how it really affects everyone in the family in a large way," Taylor stated. 

The actress also claimed that Paige has to deal with a lot of emotions at the same time, which could affect each member of the family. 

At any rate, if Taylor would have it her way, then she would love to see Paige sign up as another KGB spy. She also feels that now that her character already knows the secret of her parents, it could lead to a more harmonious relationship within their family. 

"The Americans" season 3 airs Wednesdays on FX.