'The Arrow' season 4 preview: Which character will not be returning after season 3?

Oliver Queen leads the Team Arrow in Arrow Season 3.Wikipedia

The last episode of "The Arrow" ended with Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) kneeling in front of Ra's al Ghul as many had expected Queen to take another beating or perhaps be meted death. Instead however, Queen was given the opportunity by Ra's al Ghul (Matt Nable) to lead the League of Assassins and then came to a close.

It will be recalled the Queen and John Diggle (David Ramsey) went on a mission to save Malcolm Merlin who was captured thanks to some aid by Oliver's sister, Thea. While Ollie and Diggle were able to find Merlin, they ended up being captured.

Apparently the question on viewer's minds right now is on whether Queen would accept the offer or not. For now, your guess is as good as ours although it seems to bend to a negative reception.

Thea as well revealed that she was behind the murder of Sara to Thea to Nyssa. It remains to be seen on how this revelation would end up. Would Nyssa go ballistic and vent her rage against Thea?

While these twists are bound to be answered come the next episode, others are looking ahead to the fourth season. By that time, viewers will know if Ollie had accepted Ra's al Ghul's offer or not of course.

But Amell did reveal that the show will see the exit of one of its characters.

There is no word on who that character could be but from the looks of it, it won't be Ra's al Ghul since he is already expected to exit. Rumors have it that a new villain who goes by the name of Damian Dark will take his place as the new chief villain in the Arrow.

From the tone of Amell's tweet, it may point to someone who has been around. Could it be Thea? Malcolm Merlin? How about detective Quentin Lance? No word on who it would really be officially for now.

All that should be answered in the final episodes of "The Arrow" season 3 so expect a slambang finale.