The Arrow vs. Stardust WWE match up really happening?

Stephen Amell[photo: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore]

Last month, we did mention here that Arrow star Stephen Amell could find himself appearing at one of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) shows and face off against Cody Rhodes/Stardust.

The initial word back then was that an Amell vs. Stardust confrontation would likely happen at WWE SummerSlam, the next WWE pay-per-view after this coming weekend's WWE Battleground. Could this be what Amell was hinting at during Comic-Con?

Before WWE Raw kicked off, the chances of seeing that match happen was close to nil. Cody was believed to be still in a state of grieving after the untimely loss of his dad, the great Dusty Rhodes.

Cody/Stardust has been understandably absent although he did say that he would be ready at any time that the WWE would need him. And it seems he did make a surprise return at WWE Raw (July 13, 2015 edition) and took on Neville and stole a victory over the man who defied gravity. Could this indicate what Amell was mentioning at Comic-Con?

With Stardust's re-emergence, that almost forgotten showdown may finally take place. One can imagine the excitement running inside Amell, being an WWE avid van, right now.

But how will this fight go down? No arrows allowed for sure! Better yet, will it be a wrestling match or just seeing Amell as a sidelight like other celebrities? Whatever the WWE plans, the creative team will be left with the task for such.

For his part, this is what Amell had to say at Comic-Con:

"I'm not not gonna wrestle Stardust at SummerSlam. I know that double negatives in the English language are a no-no. I'm probably gonna do some stuff with the WWE. I don't know if that means a wrestling match. We'll see," says Amell.

Could he be referring to this the opposite way or sincerely? One has to agree that the sudden emergence of Stardust does spark some wild thoughts.

But on the side, it seems obvious that Amell's involvement has something to do with his series, "The Arrow," which returns in the Fall and/or his role as Casey Jones in the upcoming "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2."