'The Avengers 2' news: Will Falcon be in the movie sequel?

What about The Falcon's costume?[Photo credit: Marvel]

In "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," Anthony Mackie took on a huge supporting role in Sam Wilson, otherwise known as The Falcon. He was a great wingman for the Captain and he was well-received by both the fans and the critics. While it is sure that he will be in "Civil War," many are wondering if there's a chance he will show up in "The Avengers: Age of Ultron." 

Recently, Mackie had a chance to talk to I Am Rogue and in the interview, he was asked if he is going to be in the movie. Mackie confirmed that he hasn't shot any scene for "Age of Ultron" and has not been made aware of any participation in the movie. However, the actor remains very hopeful despite the movie being shown this May already. 

"I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope. They're doing reshoots and that's why I'm letting them know I'm available. So whatever weekend they want me there, I'll fly myself out and shoot whatever scene they want me in. Even if it's like, 'Oh man, it's Iron Man and Hulk.' But I heard today in one of the interviews that someone thought I was in 'Ant-Man.' I hope so! I hope I'm in 'Ant-Man.' I hope I'm in 'Hulk 3,' I hope I'm in 'Thor 3,' and 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2.' Me and Groot can boogie!" Mackie said. 

Clearly, Mackie is heavily invested in his role as The Falcon and wants to embody it in every Marvel movie possible. The man's got spirit! And if the rumors are true that he will take the place of Captain Steve Rogers, then being in the movies should be good for his character. 

Cinema Blend noted that Mackie's enthusiasm is infectious to the fans. It must be known that The Falcon has been a well-loved character in the comics, ever since he was introduced in 1969. He is the first African-American superhero, but more than that, he is loved for his solid friendship with the Captain. 

Speaking of the comics, The Falcon had a falcon sidekick with him. The falcon's name is Redwing and Mackie is actually pressuring Marvel to give him a bird sidekick. 

"I want my bird, man. I want my bird! The thing is, you know I've been emailing with people over at Marvel. I'm putting it out there in the ethos that I'm going to have a new and improved costume and come out all flashy in spandex," he said. 

"The Avengers: Age of Ultron" is scheduled for release on May 1, while "Captain America: Civil War" is slated for release on May 6, 2016. The actor recently revealed that they will start shooting for "Civil War" this April.