'The Bachelor' 2016 week 9 spoilers: Ben Higgins caught in two minds

Ben Higgins and the three remaining contestants of "The Bachelor" 2016 are headed to Jamaica for the highly anticipated overnight dates. Before the week concludes, however, only two ladies will get a rose from the bachelor.

Ben and Jojo take their romance to the skies in "The Bachelor" 2016Facebook/The Bachelor/ABC

[Spoiler Alert! Big details about the next episode of the show ahead] 

According to leakster Reality Steve, Ben and the ladies will be staying in Sandals Royal Plantation, where each of the girls will get to spend some alone time with Ben.

He did not have details regarding Lauren and Jojo's overnight dates with Ben in the upcoming "The Bachelor" 2016 episode but Reality Steve knows that Caila's date with Ben will involve a romantic dinner, which will be followed by a fireworks show.

Unfortunately, it is Caila whom Ben sends packing by the end of the episode. This leaves Ben with Lauren and Jojo and he is really torn between the two. It proves problematic for him as he seems to have told both of them that he loved them, which is a no-no on the show.

The promo for "The Bachelor" 2016 week 9 shows that all the girls, including Caila, have fallen in love with the software salesman. Ben, on the other hand, has revealed he has feelings for two women. "I never saw this coming because I didn't think my heart was capable," Ben said.

Ben seems to have told Lauren and Jojo the three important words – a first in the history of the show. Ben, like any other leads on the show, is not allowed to say "I love you" before the finale.

Ben knows that one of the ladies he confessed to will get her heart torn to pieces. In "The Bachelor" 2016 teaser, he admits that he does not know what to do. "I can't help how I feel," he reveals. "I'm terrified," he added.

Indeed, choosing the wrong girl will be extra painful for him as that means he will let go of the one he should be with. Spoilers reveal that he chose to propose to Lauren in the end. How he came to that decision remains to be seen.

"The Bachelor" 2016 week 9 airs Feb. 29 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.