The Best Of Psalm Drummers

Talk about marching to the beat of a different drum, the Psalm Drummers have spent the last decade drumming up beats that have been bigger than many could have ever thought possible.

They have pulled in intercession alongside percussion, art alongside prophecy, finding unity and cohesion wherever they have played.

And now comes the very best of their first three albums. Take a listen and find out just how wide, high and deep the worship gets.

With special guests Stu G, Ben Okafor and Tim Hughes, songs include: Drums of Hope / The Lord Reigns / Agape India / Call to Freedom / The Battle Prayer / Spirit of Unity / Hope & Blessing / Heartbeat Jerusalem / River of Peace / Asaph’s Desire / A Moment in Mumbai / Water Into Wine / Dreambeat / Fire At Carmel

The DVD tells the story of Psalm Drummers over a backdrop of powerful drum music. Featuring footage and stills gathered over 12 years from across Europe, USA, South Africa, and the Far East.

Including Global Day of Prayer, New Wine, Calling all Nations, Summer Madness and The Call. Also included is teaching about the role of the drum in worship from Psalm Drummers leader Terl Bryant.