'The Blacklist' season 3 spoilers: Red carries out plan to take down The Cabal

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"The Blacklist" season 3 won't get any gracious toward Liz when it returns next year. When the show goes back on air with an episode called "The Director," the former FBI agent on the run will be find herself in the face of grave danger in the hands of the Cabal.

According to James Spader aka Red, in the event that Liz gets captured by the mysterious organization, she's pretty much dead meat. "The Cabal will come for her. If they reach her, it will be the last time you ever see Elizabeth again," the actor warned.

With Liz in a very tight spot, will she find someone to help her? Ressler might, as per iDigital Times, but not so much to save her life. In "The Blacklist" season 3, Ressler will be helping her clear her name but getting her out in one piece from the Cabal's clutches is another story.

But Liz can always rely on Red, as what it always has been. "It's a race against the clock for Red to enact whatever his plan is that he's been working on for the last eight episodes," executive producer Jon Bokenkamp told Entertainment Weekly. "It's time for things to fall together, and that is going to be fun," he promised.

Bokenkamp added that Red will make the move when "The Blacklist" season 3 returns but he warns that what he prepared to execute doesn't prioritize Liz's safety but is more on "levelling the playing field." Nonetheless, the EP also promises viewers will love what Red is about to do.

Meanwhile, viewers can expect that the two-part midseason premiere of the show will focus on CIA director David Strathairn, who seems to be another one of Liz's adversaries. Bokenkamp promised that the initial episodes next year will help fans see the greater picture and will see everything finally unfold and make sense through Red's "very complex, yet simple" plan.

"The Blacklist" season 3 returns Jan. 7 on NBC.