The Direction You Lean

As I've mentioned before, I live at the top of a mile-long steep hill and ride the hill on my mountain bike to help keep me fit. It's great fun going down the hill and with a tail-wind I easily travel at 40 mph (68 km/h). Burning down the hill and sweeping around the curves is quite exhilarating. Unlike a car, however, on a bicycle you don't steer to turn. You lean to turn in the direction you want to go. If you lean towards the left, you go left. If towards the right, you go right. And if you lean too far, you'll fall. I know because I've done it—not on our steep hill fortunately.

Life's like that too. If you lean towards the left wing of liberalism that's the direction you will go. If towards the right wing of conservatism, that too is the direction you will go. And if you are an ultra left-winger or an ultra right-winger, chances are you will ultimately fall too.

Both of these extremes are the opposite side of the same coin. They're not likely to admit it, but both are equally neurotic. For example, an ultra right-winger is theologically rigid because he is emotionally rigid, repressed, and in denial. It has nothing to do with his self-perceived spirituality. He's this way because he is insecure. His defense against this is his rigidity and wants always to be in control as this is the only way he feels safe. It's exactly the same for the ultra left-winger. He's no different and is just as rigid in his stance as is the right-winger in his.

The healthiest and best direction to lean is towards God, trusting in him and in his Word for the direction of your life. It is also essential to face one's emotional issues so we have our eyes open so we can see clearly the direction in which we are leaning—and heading, for where you look is where you will go.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me be emotionally honest with myself and you so I can see clearly and stay focused on the direction I need to go. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2, NIV).

By Richard (Dick) Innes