The Duggar family say they skip the traditional Christmas tree to keep the focus more on Jesus

The family at the airport ahead of their 2014 Christmas mission trip to El SalvadorFacebook: Duggar Family Official

The 19 Kids and Counting household is unlike most in at least one respect: they don't have a Christmas tree.

What the Duggars have instead is a large homemade Happy Birthday Jesus banner and their own family traditions that aim to highlight the essence of the holiday season.

Josh Duggar, the eldest of Jim Bob and Michelle's 19 children, explained to People Magazine that for his family, sharing their blessings is what Christmas is all about.

The Duggars frequently go on mission trips before Christmas, which according to Michelle has been one of the best things she and Jim Bob have ever done for their children.

Michelle wrote in a blog post last year, "It teaches them about giving to others. When they come back from those mission trips right before Christmas, I've often heard them say, 'Mum, I just don't even think I want to go Christmas shopping. I don't want anything. I have no needs.'

"I've been so grateful to hear how it's impacted their lives."

Just this December, the family went to El Salvador to serve the needy and spread some Christmas joy.

At home, the Duggars, just like any family, send Christmas cards, sing carols, and give presents, but they also make it a point to read Scriptures and create meaningful moments the entire family could happily look back to.

Michelle shared, "I think the fun part about it is that we make precious memories together as a family and just getting to sit down with all of us in the living room and have Dad read the story of the first Christmas, the Scriptures and Luke, and getting to sing Happy Birthday Jesus and having a special celebration.

"We look forward to it the whole month of December."

This echoes what the Duggar matriarch wrote in 2013.

"Our goal was to bring out the real meaning of Christmas ... [What] we're celebrating is the day that Christ was born ... We really make it a big deal ... We decorate. It's a big birthday party for Jesus ...

"We have fun decorating and baking and doing all that, too, but I hope and pray that my children know that when they come out of our home and start their own homes that the central focus truly was the birth of Christ and how he set the example giving his life, how we in turn should be truly grateful for what Christ gave," Michelle stated in her TLC blog.