'Elder Scrolls 6' release date pushed back to 2019?

Skyrim, the current entry in The Elder ScrollsBethesda Softworks

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" released as far back as 2011 and this was later followed by this year's "The Elder Scrolls Online." Speculations have since begun regarding the release of "The Elder Scrolls VI," although new reports indicate the game will not come out until 2019 or later.

According to a report from Crossmap, Bethesda Softworks has made it a steady habit of releasing a new "Elder Scrolls" every four years. "The Elder Scrolls Online" released four years after "Skyrim" and should be considered as the next entry in the franchise.

If this is true and another four years sits between releases then the next game won't release until 2019 at the earliest. However, this is still regarded as pure speculation and there are two major factors that could delay the release of "The Elder Scrolls VI" even further.

One factor is that the company may focus a lot of time and effort to create new content for "The Elder Scrolls Online." By adding new content, the game will be able to maintain its monthly subscriber rate to keep the game alive for years to come. 

The second factor is the release of the highly successful and critically acclaimed "Fallout 4." It is expected the game will come with several DLC and extra content to expand its world and story. Given how popular "Fallout 4" has become, it is likely Bethesda will take advantage and focus on the game while the spotlight still shines on it.

Many fans cite "World of Warcraft" as the reason why Blizzard hasn't worked on another "Warcraft" RTS title in over a decade and it is feared that the success of both "Fallout 4" and "The Elder Scrolls Online" will force Bethesda to undergo a similar routine of merely updating popular titles instead of moving on to the next game in the franchise.

As a matter of fact, Bethesda's Pete Hines stated back in June that they were not in the business of immediately jumping on to the next game as soon as possible, hinting that "The Elder Scrolls VI" is still years away.