The end of a revolution for yfriday

This is an emotional day. A day that is seminal in our lives, one that is both bitter and sweet, a day that we knew would eventually come, when after 17 years, six albums, thousands of miles and over 1,000 appearances, we’ve decided to announce the end of yfriday.

Who would have believed at our humble beginnings back in Whitley Bay, that our journey would last this long, would reach so far, would gain so much momentum, and at times sense the gates of heaven themselves opened.

And you …the loyal and the loud; the roar from the terraces! You’ve been with us every step of the way, adding your number to the ranks, your voice to the song and your heart to the greatest commission, believing too that we can make disciples of all.

As the four of us look to the past, we are tinged with a sense of joy, thankfulness and an overriding amazement to have been used by our Almighty God in such powerful and profound ways. We’ve travelled the world, seen faith in Jesus dawn in over 15,000 folk, seen many healed and oh so many finding a new expression in their relationship with our Saviour.

As people we’ve grown, our lives enriched by new family and friends, and we feel now is the time for us to move to the next stage, through the doors that God has opened and to a future laced with anticipation.

There will be a few dates before the finale, some festivals and some friends to revisit, then we’ll say our last goodbyes in the autumn with what should be our best ever dates. We’ll keep you posted of when and where.

And for now…thank you! You’ve worshipped with us, shared our journey and inspired us to climb beyond what we dared believe. We pray you keep the torch burning and the revolution alive!

God bless you friends
Ken, Dez, Gav & Danny