'The Flash' season 2 spoilers: Wells returns with bad news, Linda Park meets her Earth 2 counterpart in episode 5 'Darkness and the Light'

A screengrab of Tom Cavanagh back as Earth-2 Harrison Wells in "The Flash" season 2 episode 5The CW Television Network/YouTube

As it turns out, Patty was by no means bluffing about a so-called manshark and before the monster could choke Flash to death, Harrison Wells from Earth 2 arrives just in time to blast the ravaging hybrid with what is presumed to be the device he stole from Mercury Labs.

In this week's episode of "The Flash" season 2 titled "The Darkness and the Light," Wells' true intention in visiting Earth 1 will be revealed and as the teaser hints, it involves the evil speedster Zoom, who he reveals is his creation.

"Zoom's infected my world. Now he's coming for yours," Wells reveals. Earth-2 Wells also says that he knows everything about Zoom because he is his creator. Barry attempts to figure out how to stop the speedster with Wells' knowledge as guidance but he can't expect Jay Garrick to help out just yet.

The crimson comet has yet to regain his speed. "I'm not ready to fight Zoom. You're the superhero Flash. Do your job," Jay can be heard telling Barry in the trailer. But apart from this and the coming of Wells, who is now more arrogant than evil, Barry has another Earth 2-related problem to deal with.

In the upcoming "The Flash" season 2 episode, Dr. Light has crossed from her world to Barry's, where her counterpart is revealed to be Central City Picture News journalist Linda Park. Iris' workmate understandably freaks out when she gets to meet her rather very different Earth-2 equivalent.

Thankfully, Jay happens to know Dr. Light and assures that she is not evil enough not to consider the idea of sitting down and talking it all out. He believes that they will be able to stop the new Earth-2-hailing denizen without starting a fight.

And outside these huge superhero-y responsibilities, Barry still has time for romance. In this "The Flash" season 2 installment, he and Patty will take their friendship to the next level and go on what could easily be an adorable, sweet and geeky date.

"The Flash" season 2 episode 5 "The Darkness and the Light" airs Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.