'The Flash' season 1 spoilers: Gorilla Grodd to surface soon according to new trailer


Gorilla Grodd or simply Grodd is no stranger for DC comic followers and the wise primate is set to make an appearance any time soon in the TV series "The Flash." Grodd is no stranger when it comes to the villain lineups that the Justice League has had to deal with, most especially the Flash who is Grodd's known rival.

While it will be interesting to see how the show would narrate the origins of Grodd, chances are that it would be somehow tweaked to make it adaptable to the said series.

A hint of Grodd's existence came during episode 12 titled "Crazy for You" where the psychic ape attacked public workers in the sewers.

And now a trailer from CW has been released revealing Grodd. Though that teaser was very minimal, showing only Grodd the Gorilla with glowing red eyes, comic fans know for a fact that the intelligent primate will use his intellect and wisdom more than his brute strength.

For the folks who are unfamiliar with Grodd, he was actually a typical African gorilla before a radioactive meteor (spaceship) hit his home. As a result, Grodd as well as his tribe of apes present during that event inherited intelligence, telepathy and telekinesis.

However it remains to be seen if the same story would be applied on the origins of Gorilla Grodd. Instead of a meteor, he could be included in the list of meta humans affected by the same blast which gifted Barry Allen with his superhero speed.

There are even speculations that Grodd could be the main adversary in a rumoured crossover between the Flash and the Arrow in one of the upcoming episodes. If so, this make sense considering in the comics, Grodd planned to build a Gorilla City.

If not that angle, it could be all tied up to a time travel storyline which has so far been hinted from the previous Flash episodes.

Whichever of the two (or none) would be the main plot for Grodd's coming remains to be seen. For now the only definite thing is Grodd is coming!