'The Flash' season 2 episode 10 spoilers: Wells double-crosses Barry to save daughter

Wells gives in to Zoom's demands in the upcoming episode of "The Flash."Facebook/CW

Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) may end up backstabbing Barry (Grant Gustin) in the upcoming episode of the hit The CW series "The Flash."

During the winter finale, viewers saw the scientist looking torn after talking to Zoom (Tony Todd). The villain just told him that if he succeeded in making The Flash take the serum to boost his speed, he would return Wells' daughter. Jesse (Violett Beane) was abducted by Zoom in Earth 2. Zoom said that he would guarantee Jesse's safety as long as Wells does not renege on their pact. In the end, Wells acquiesced into doing what Zoom wants, even if he knew what it would entail.

Zoom plans on Barry's powers to be enhanced, and then swoop in to steal it from him. In this way, he will be more powerful than before. If this happens, the superhero has no way of defeating him. Wells can be the deciding factor in this battle. Will he sell out Barry in exchange for his daughter? It certainly looks like it, as getting her back in one piece is the one thing he has been praying for. In fact, she is the reason why Wells is on Earth 1.

Wells, however, will not turn his back entirely on Barry. In the promo, it appears that he is giving him clues on Zoom's plan. The scientist can be seen telling Barry that if Zoom learns about the people he cares for, the villain will take them away from him. In a way, it is a warning for Barry to make sure that his girlfriend Patty (Shantel VanSanten) will not fall in Zoom's hands. Wells personally knows how painful that is, given what happened to Jesse.

It looks as if the advice comes too late, though, as the clip shows the very thing Wells cautioned Barry about. Zoom has Patty and he is using her to flush The Flash out of hiding. Will Patty be the next casualty in Zoom's reign of terror?

"The Flash" will return on Jan. 19, 2016 at 8 p.m. EST on The CW.