'The Flash' season 2 : Tone Bell cast as Iris' new boss

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"The Flash" season 2 is currently enjoying a mid-season break but when it returns, the season will introduce actor Tone Bell as Scott Evans, Iris's (Candice Patton) new boss at the Central City Pictures News. According to a report from Variety, he will be appearing in a multi-episode arc and is determined to dig in deeper to the mysteries of Central City.

After all, the city has seen the death of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) only to see him come back, although this was in fact his Earth-2 counterpart, and a myriad of Earth-2 meta-humans attacking the city. There was also the arrival of a powerful, villainous speedster known only as Zoom.

The former editor-in-chief was Eric Larkin (Tom Butler), who was unfortunately killed when the Earth-2 version of Linda Park aka Doctor Light (Malese Jow) came into the office to kill her Earth-1 counterpart.

The media center has a poor reputation of taking care of its employees. Not only did Larkin die but so did Mason Bridge (Roger Howarth) when he discovered incriminating evidence against Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne.

According to TV Line, Evans will have a rocky relationship with Iris as he is set to cancel one of her written pieces about a meta-human attack on the city. With him looking over her shoulder, Iris may find it difficult to use her position in the media to help the rest of Team Flash.

However, it is also implied that he may be a future romantic interest, finally allowing her to move on from the death of her fiance Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett). Back in season 1, it was shown that in the future, Iris and Barry (Grant Gustin) would get married but this future may no longer exist given that Barry has altered the course of the future several times.

"The Flash" season 2 returns this Jan. 19, 2016.