'The Flash' season 3 episode 22 news, spoilers: Barry steals to save Iris; Caitlin dies?

Will Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) die?Facebook/CWTheFlash

Barry (Grant Gustin) will do everything to save the love of his life, including taking what's not his, in episode 22 of "The Flash" season 3. Meanwhile, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) might be the one predicted by Savitar to die.

On the next episode of "The Flash" season 3, titled "Infantino Street," Barry breaks his principles and becomes a burglar for a day in order to save Iris (Candice Patton), who has 24 hours left to live, unless The Flash stops Savitar.

As seen in the episode 22 promo, Iris advises Barry that although he will do anything to save her, she reminds him, "Don't lose yourself in the process."

However, Barry takes a big step in trying to save Iris. He even enlists Captain Cold's (Wentworth Miller) help in stealing what he needs.

"We need to steal an alien power source," The Flash tells Captain Cold, who is amused by Barry's thieving plans and answers him, "It's my kind of mission." However, it is not yet clear what Captain Cold will get in return for helping Barry.

Meanwhile, Caitlin Snow, a.k.a. Killer Frost, might be the friend of Barry's that Savitar predicts to die.

In an interview with TV Guide, executive producer Todd Helbing shares that in the coming season 3 finale of "The Flash," not only will Barry and S.T.A.R. Labs try to save Iris, but they will also try to save Caitlin from remaining as Killer Frost.

"And with Savitar's prophecy that one member of Team Flash will fall, fans should prepare for the worst," Helbing teases.

The showrunner adds that season 3 ends in a major cliffhanger, which brings fans of the show to wonder what happens next in the new season of "The Flash."

"The Flash" season 3 airs every Tuesday at 8 p.m. EDT on The CW.