'The Last Guardian' release date: Game confirmed for 2016; new information about Trico revealed

The Last GuardianSony, Team ICO

"The Last Guardian" may have taken a long while to finish development but according to a report from Edge Magazine (via IGN), designer Fumito Ueda confirms that the game will be released this year for the PS4. The interview also reveals several key elements regarding gameplay, including how the player utilizes the titular guardian named Trico.

Trico is described as a cat-like beast and is also quite timid despite being monstrous. Ueda also explains that while the trailers depict the unnamed main character traveling with Trico and using Trico to solve puzzles and cross over the environment, the guardian will not immediately follow every command.

Instead, Ueda describes Trico as "a free-spirited creature that flagrantly disregards your attempts to tame it." He continues to explain that this design choice in regards to Trico was important "because there are a lot of games out there where you can do that. I think I've had enough of them."

Ueda further explains that Trico will only become more susceptible to the main character's commands after they've gone through the game a little more, representing the growing bond between the two characters. Ueda reiterates that the nature of Trico is ambiguous and that it will not always do what the player asks. 

Trico will not just be used as a mount, however, as Ueda states in the interview that the playable character has a special "mirror shield" that can be used as a marker. By pointing the mirror's reflected light at an area, the player can tell Trico where to fire a red lightning beam. 

This mechanic can be used to ask Trico to destroy obstacles like wooden walls or to solve puzzles in the game such as destroying a rock wall to gain access to other areas. 

Given that Trico is part-cat, the designers have also seen fit to make Trico wary of water. This may present puzzles where Trico will not cross due to there being a large body of water and the player will need to work a puzzle in order to give Trico an alternate path. 

"The Last Guardian" will be presented at this year's E3 and is set for release before the end of the year.