'The Legend of Zelda' Wii U rumors: New leak hints at the game being marketed to parents and their kids

"The Legend of Zelda" Wii-UNintendo

Nintendo reportedly has something big in store, and it's, apparently, related to "The Legend of Zelda" for the Wii U.

This time around, the news regarding the game comes courtesy of Gamer Professionals and a promotional video they have reportedly obtained that is related to the Wii U title. The website has held off on releasing the video for now, citing Nintendo's rights.

According to the website, the new promotional video puts great emphasis on the bonds parents have with their children and how that can tie into "The Legend of Zelda" for the Wii U.

The video reportedly shows a young man, who is likely still in his 20s, talking to his daughter who is a fan of "The Legend of Zelda" franchise. Both parent and child are even shown watching clips of older "Zelda" titles together.

The video reportedly goes further into showing how a parent and his child can both bond over a beloved game, and then, near the end, the words "A New Generation Begins" appear on the screen. 

According to Gamer Professionals, the video certainly seems to be legitimate, with the website even pointing to watermarks and time stamps as pieces of evidence confirming its authenticity.

The website also revealed that they obtained the video from a source with great knowledge of how the video was made.

Still, there are some questions that need to be asked when it comes to the supposed "Legend of Zelda" for the Wii U promotional video.

According to iDigital Times, the reported content video could hint at the possibility of a female Link being included in the new game, or at the very least point to that as being plausible.

It's also worth asking if the video itself is actually for "The Legend of Zelda" for the Wii U or if it might even be for something else entirely.

Unfortunately, unless Nintendo releases the video, fans will not know for sure about how it actually relates to "The Legend of Zelda" for the Wii U.