The Lizard Squad update: Hackers vow to make more attacks

The virtual face of Lizard SquadTwitter

The Lizard Squad continues to wreak havoc on the Internet as it continues to prey on popular websites. Among their alleged victims include social media sites like Twitter and Facebook which have gotten their share of downtime.

Of course, the Lizard Squad was also tied up with a series of attacks on Microsoft and Sony during the Christmas period and their journey of hacking continues.

The latest about the Lizard squad is that they threatening to release personal data they were able to get by hacking into Malaysia Airlines. While the airlines did release an official statement that all personal data was secure after the attack, it remains to be seen on whether their contention holds true.

For a time, the Malaysia Airline website showed an image of a lizard wearing a tuxedo and a top hat which forced the hand of the airline to announce that the website was indeed compromised. However despite this occurrence, Malaysia Airlines gave assurance that customer bookings and data were secure and in safe hands. While the redirection could be traced to a compromise made to the DNS (Domain Name System) of Malaysia Airlines, they claim that their actual web servers were intact and were not actually intruded. As of this writing, the website has already been restored and is back online. It remains unclear as to why the Lizard Squad has included Malaysia Airlines to its list of targets. The airline is still in the recovery stages of two tragedies, the disappearance of flight the MH370 and MH17 which was shot down over Ukraine. But from the looks of it, the Lizard Squad has no plans of stopping their hacking intentions.

Their latest victim is singer Taylor Swift. The group were reportedly able to hack the celebrity's Twitter and Facebook account and have threatened to reveal nude pictures of the popular singer if she did not pay @Lizzard 3 bitcoins (about $780). Swift's account is the fourth largest account on Twitter.